Understanding Drag Chain Conveyors: What are they? and How are they useful for my Plant.

Coal Extraction using drag chain conveyor

What is a Drag Chain Conveyor?

A mechanical handling system called a drag chain conveyor, often referred to as a scraper conveyor or an en-masse conveyor, is made to move bulk goods vertically, horizontally, or at an incline. It is made out of a chain that travels down a row of parallel tubes or troughs that are lined with paddles or scraper blades. By properly scraping and moving the materials from one location to another, this design facilitates efficient material mobility.

Linear and Incline Conveyor

The Working Principle of Drag Chain Conveyors

Imagine a chain being driven by an electric motor to get a sense of how drag chain conveyors operate. The chain’s paddles or scraper blades are driven by the motor and draw the bulk materials down the conveyor’s path as they pass through the material in the troughs.

The drag chain conveyor is the best option for enterprises handling hazardous or dusty goods because its motion forms a physical barrier that prevents spillage and reduces dust emissions. Drag chain conveyors are essential in many industries because of their exact engineering, which guarantees a dependable and constant flow of products.

Chain mechanism in a Drag Chain Conveyor

How they fair against other conventional types of Conveyor Mechanisms

Comparison of effective utilization of space versus physical size of conveying media

The high effective utilisation of space utilised (space used for conveying) compared to the actual physical size of the conveyor is one of the main benefits of an En-Masse drag conveyor. The EnMasse drag conveyor can utilise up to 90% of the physical size of the conveyor for conveying in this regard. Comparatively, a typical paddle drag conveyor can only utilise, for conveying, around 50% of the physical size of the conveyor. As a result, a paddle drag conveyor will physically be 50% bigger than an en masse conveyor to transport the same amount of material. In comparison to other typical conveying methods, the above image shows how efficiently an En-Masse conveyor uses space.

Why Drag Chain Conveyors – The Benefits

Drag chain conveyors offer numerous advantages that make them a preferred choice for material handling in diverse industries:

1. Versatility and Flexibility

Drag chain conveyors can be tailored to meet the needs of a particular application. They can be designed to seamlessly integrate into new installations as well as existing systems because they come in a variety of sizes, capacities, and configurations. They are suited for both large-scale industrial facilities and small-scale enterprises due to their versatility.

2. Efficient Bulk Material Handling

Drag chain conveyors’ effective construction allows for the efficient movement of bulk commodities. The production process is less likely to have blocks or interruptions thanks to the constant movement of materials, which guarantees a stable flow. For firms, this efficiency translates into higher productivity and lower costs.

3. Dust and Contamination Control

Drag chain conveyors’ capacity to reduce dust emissions and material spillage is one of their key features. Particles can’t escape and contaminate the surrounding environment because to the enclosed design and scraping action of the paddles or scraper blades. This functionality is especially important in fields where cleanliness and safety are top priorities.

4. Durability and Reliability

Conveyors with drag chains are made to survive harsh industrial settings. Even under heavy loads and adverse situations, its durable design and the premium materials used in their manufacturing guarantee long-lasting performance. This longevity reduces downtime and maintenance expenses, improving operational effectiveness overall.

5. Space Optimization

Drag chain conveyors may efficiently use space due to their small form. They can manoeuvre in confined spaces and overcome elevation changes because to their capacity to move items both horizontally and vertically, which optimises floor space and improves workflow effectiveness.

6. Gentle Material Handling

To avoid damage, certain materials, such as delicate or fragile goods, must be handled with care. The reduced friction between the paddles or scraper blades and the bulk materials allows drag chain conveyors to transfer items gently. This trait guarantees that the transmitted materials will not deteriorate or break down much, maintaining their integrity during the handling procedure.

How can it be used?

In businesses where the efficient and controlled flow of bulk goods is necessary, drag chain conveyors are widely used. The following are some of the main applications:

Mining and Minerals:

Drag Chain conveyors for Mining and Minerals

For the transportation of minerals, ores, and other extracted materials, drag chain conveyors are frequently used in mining operations. They are suited for mining applications due to their durable construction and capacity for handling big loads.


Drag chain conveyors in Agriculture

Drag chain conveyors are employed in agricultural settings to move feed, seeds, and other products. They make sure that activities run smoothly and minimise manual labour while facilitating the smooth transport of grains.

Recycling and Waste Management:

Drag chain conveyors in Recycling and Waste Management

Drag chain conveyors are essential in facilities for recycling and trash management. Through the processing line, they move recyclables including paper, plastic, and metal, which helps with effective sorting and disposal.

Power Generation:

Drag Chain Conveyors in Power Generation

Drag chain conveyors are frequently used in power plants to move coal and biomass fuels for combustion. These conveyors make it possible for the boilers to receive a regular supply of fuel, providing continuous power production.

Chemical and Process Industries:

Drag chain conveyors in chemical and process industries

In the chemical and process industries, drag chain conveyors are used to move a variety of bulk products, such as powders, granules, and chemicals. Cross-contamination is avoided because to its contained design, which also guarantees the dependable and secure transport of substances.

There’s more to it than it meets the eye !

At Koenig Conveyors, we believe that each client has unique challenges that require unique solutions. We customize and give you the best solution to your industrial needs. With over 25+ years of experience in the field of Mechanical and Pneumatic Material handling systems, we believe that we can get you the right Drag chain conveyor customization your plant needs.

Interested? We are just an email away. Send us a mail to marketing@koenigconveyors.com.

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