Bulk Material Manufacturers in India, Chennai

Bulk Material Manufacturers in India, Chennai
Bulk Material Manufacturers in India, Chennai

Bulk material handling equipment is used to transport, process, and package bulk materials, like powder bulk solids, before sale or shipment. There are many different types of bulk material handling systems which are distinguished by the types of applications for which they are used and the kinds of materials they are constructed to handle.

Characteristics of Your Material

Bulk materials can be sourced from multiple suppliers all over the world. It is vitally important to understand that the flow characteristics of the same ingredient from different suppliers can be different. For example, milk powder from one processor may be more compacted from shipping or have a higher fat content than another producer.  It is crucial to understand the precise flow characteristics of your material including:

  • Bulk density
  • Particle size
  • Temperature
  • Material form (powder, flake, granule, pellet, fiber, crystal, lump, prill, curl or other)
  • Flow ability defined by its angle of repose,

These material characteristics directly affect how you can successfully fill, discharge, convey or mix in your application using bulk material handling equipment.

What Comes In Bulk Bags Must Come Out

Processors must store their bulk materials, then transport and empty them where needed in their process. So you must have mechanical bulk material handling equipment designed to discharge material from bulk bags.  This is the realm of bulk bag discharging which is also called bulk bag unloading.

How You Move Your Bulk Material

You’ll need mechanical or pneumatic bulk material handling equipment designed to transport your dry bulk materials within your process. This is usually accomplished with some type of conveyor or feeder such as a belt conveyor, bucket elevator, pneumatic conveyor, cable or chain drag conveyor, rigid or flexible screw conveyor, aero mechanical conveyor, or a vibratory tray feeder. 

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